Naia 愛と光のママ育て

Happy mothers change the world better!

The child is father of the man



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We say for ages in Japan that


"The child is father of the man."


That means that personality of a person which is established in his/her early childhood will never change after he/she grew up.

Other people say that means that personality of a person which is established by the age of 3 will never change after he/she grew up. 


What this saying means is true.


Particularly, time of 0 - 3 years old is the most important period to establish the special bond between a mother and her baby firmly.


The special bond enables children to live their life as they wished to.

They can easily get over obstacles in their lives when they grew up thanks to it.


Additionally, establishing the special bond is more important than disciplining children in the period of 0 - 3 years old.

Because disciplining them will not go well without the special bond.


However, the special bond between a mother and her baby does not mean how much she looked it after. 


Honestly, it is a place where children can get back to whenever they wished to, which eventually encourages them to challenge their life on their own.


I should say that it is like a port where a small boat with the children on-board can get back to whenever they wished to, such as need of repairing the boat, feeling like a complete failure and so on.  


Without the port, the small boat will drift aimlessly without a map in the open sea which is called "life".  

Worse still, the child will not recognise the hand which was given to him/her to help him/her, otherwise he/she does not know how to grab the hand even though he/she recognised it. 


Eventually the child will end up drifting aimlessly in the open sea. 



In order to avoid this, establishing the special bond between a mother and her baby in the period of 0 - 3 years old is really important. 

It is not too late to discipline the children after that.


Sooner or later, you will find that there are no books sold about how to establish the special bond. 


Because all the books about parenting tell us only how to discipline our children. 


The only one place in the world where only a mother and her baby can create is the special bond between them. 



Supported by the bond strongly, the child will be able to live his/her life affirmatively even though he/she faced obstacles ahead. 


Sooner or later the child will achieve their mission in their life successfully on their own leaving the port proudly 




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